Mission Statement  

mission statement

Feng Shui as a collective term for the energetic methods used by us, is an effective intervention in physical and subtle areas.

The principle of equal footing is the center of our work. We treat people with respect, patience and empathy. In all the things we say, write, do or refrain from we are aware of our responsibility. Our consultations are based on mindfulness and dedication. We invite our customers to question us so that we not only convey a solution strategy but also impart knowledge of the connections in our work.




He who stops being better,
has ceased to be good. 

Philipp Rosenthal




It is our aim to achieve the best possible result for each client counseling. The intention of an indisciplinary approach, the proposition of a global change of consciousness and vocation are the key factors which make our concepts sustainable and mature. Our energy flows into every project and it shows. We always treat the information entrusted to us confidentially as we respect the trust placed in us.






We want  the blue chip companies of all sectors and all thought leaders as our customers to ensure that health and performance pleasure can spread quickly. This topic is part especially of business culture and health services, of course also part of private life.

From stress to flow - pleasure in performance instead of pressure to perform for all - that is our ideal.