Condominium analysis according to Feng Shui

Analyzing Condominium

If you own or plan to purchase a condominium - whether as an investment or for own use - then we can provide you with clarity on the potential of well-being the property has. Our analyzes are a reliable basis for decision-making both for a purchase and for a further improvement of the room vitality.


Feng Shui analysis of your condominium - the procedure in detail

Feng Shui has general and individual aspects, because it is about the connection of space, time and man. Feng Shui for real estate as capital investment is also worth it, as real estate with good Feng Shui has no vacancy and less maintenance effort.

For condominiums for private use, we also consider the connection of rooms and people and thus provide very individual recommendations. Knowing the potential of your condominium, you can make an informed decision whether to improve it through a Feng Shui consultation. All calculations of the analysis are part of a Feng Shui concept, so that its costs are reduced accordingly.



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